Nov 29, · Thank you for the essay. I observed that this essay does not consist of any examples in both the body paragraphs. Thanks mam. Reply. Liz says November 30, at am. This has recently changed. Before the writing was marked by examiners in the city where you did your test. Now the papers are sent to a central location abroad where Jan 08, · Thank you so much for your response, your time and for this amazing blog. All the best. Reply. Liz says October 3, at pm. Hello Mam, I just came to see one Discussion essay “Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion”. Can we follow the same structure of ” Discuss both views and give your own opinion Mam thank you so much for guiding me, just because of your teaching I got a 7 in writing. I can't express my feelings. It seems like magic to me. I really want to thank you from bottom of my heart. I wrote the essay as you said in your class and it really worked. Thank you once again
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Rumblings of an inquisitive mind. YASHNI NAGARAJAN Rank 57 UPSC CSE RBI Grade B. Less than 10 days for Prelims and last minute tips for prelims article will thank you mam essay up shortly.
And my credibility for writing this is as UPSC had once awarded me This years marks awaited. I have appeared in CS Examination four times.
Gave mains thrice, reached the interview stage all three times and made it to the coveted list twice, this time with a double-digit rank. The following is my two cents on Mains Answer writing which I hope would help others in detangling the complexities of the perplexing […].
Let us make no mistake. UPSC is unforgiving. One mistake and you are out for the entire year, try again next year. So the following is my learning from the mistakes I have made […], thank you mam essay.
Email Address:. please be detailed Thanks. Like Like. First of all A very congrats to you. Could u please tell me how do u prepare for current affairs. Atleast,If possible show 1 or 2 pages of your current affairs notes,so that we will come to understand the pattern of how to write. And also share your notes if possible mam…Thank you Mam. I did not prepare separately for RBI. whatever i read for CSE was useful along with previous yrs questions practice, thank you mam essay, esp for prelims.
For mains, socio economic paper can be covered by daily newspaper reading and english by practicing essay and precis writing. Like Liked by 1 person.
Mam for Phase 2 exam in RBI Grade B since you said that no extra preparation done for rbi exam then how did you score in Finance and management paper in phase 2 mam?
how did you managed to score mam? please give some insights. Big thank you! Thank u very much mam. For giving help. Heartily thanks. One thing to ask mam. Its that when u start ur preparation for CSE. Means in schooling or college days or after that? when mam? After college only, before that I didnt even have much idea about the exam.
If you are a beginner, Start with newspaper and NCERT reading. Hello Madam, my self Ajit, i am also a working aspirant currently i am working as Superintendent Group-B Officer in Central Excise and GST, Department of Revenue.
Kindly provide some valuable tips how to time management effectively with full time job. Your few line may improve my change my life. Kindly suggest please.
Most imp thing is resolve. Resolve to study dedicatedly at least hours everyday after office. Try to use void time in between breaks or during commute. Try making a schedule and try not to waste time. It is possible. All the best. I am Anantha padmanabhan Thiyagarajanthank you mam essay, a n ECE Graduate from Saveetha Engineering College which is affliated to Anna University Chennai.
I did job for some time at Byjus and then thank you mam essay it to pursue civil services preparation. Since following more and more topper strategies is resulting in confusion i would request you to kindly guide me out. My optional is political science and international relations PSIR And since you were a working candidateyou must be having a concise booklist. Booklist for GS prelims and Mains as well as Optional Thank you mam essay. and most importantly how did you prepare for each paper and books i mean how did u revise them — approach towards books.
Kindly also mention your approach towards essayGS 4 paper as well current events note making out of newspaper — is it necessary? How did you prepare for it? Did you take any coaching for upsc cse preparation. In case of any doubts how did you solve them. Do you recommend coaching? Did you take preparation right after college or during final year.
Did you take up any private job after your engineering degree? When did you graduated out of NIT and what was your first job and when? Did you have your job as a RBI grade B officer right after your college or for the first few years you prepared for UPSC and then attempted RBI grade B. Kindly provide a proper strategy for RBI grade B exam if i want to prepare for it along with upsc cse preparation. Was RBI grade B a back up option for you. I had attempted UPSC prelims once and it was a failure.
Do you recommend me to prepare for some other government exam simultaneously along with upsc prep and then get a job and then prepare for UPSC Cse along with a job. Was this a pproach you followed once you graduated? My fundamentals in my engineering subject are weak. Does it hamper my chances at the personality stage level.
Were you asked questions from your technical backgroundEEE at the personality stage level? How did you prepare your technical subject for your Personality stage. Would you recommend any book for the above purpose just to refresh the fundamentals. Since there is no body to guide me i had asked lot of questions. You are requested to kindly reply to my above queries as it would be really beneficial for me. Kindly share your email id to my email address for further doubts. Arey Paithiyakar, Create Your Own Strategy.
It May or may not work for You. Mam tell thank you mam essay about how to approach International relation of psir optional. Then how to be motivated throught out the process. thank you. It would be of great help if you do that. Thanks in advance! HELLO mam. Can you please tell me how did you practiced MAINS answer writing at the initial days of your preperation…! Pls share. You are commenting using your WordPress.
com account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new thank you mam essay via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Rumblings of an inquisitive mindA journal of fluttering ideas., thank you mam essay. September 26, Answer scripts and Tips for CSE Mains I have appeared in CS Examination four times. The following thank you mam essay my two cents on Mains Answer writing which I hope would help others in detangling the complexities of the perplexing […] August 18, thank you mam essay, August 18, Mistakes to avoid in Civil Service Preparation Let us make no mistake.
So the following is my learning thank you mam essay the mistakes I have made […] August 15, August 15, Get new content delivered directly to your inbox. Email Address: Subscribe.
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Aug 15, · of all A very congrats to u please tell me how do u prepare for current blogger.comt,If possible show 1 or 2 pages of your current affairs notes,so that we will come to understand the pattern of how to also share your notes if possible mam Thank you Mam Mam thank you so much for guiding me, just because of your teaching I got a 7 in writing. I can't express my feelings. It seems like magic to me. I really want to thank you from bottom of my heart. I wrote the essay as you said in your class and it really worked. Thank you once again Jan 08, · Thank you so much for your response, your time and for this amazing blog. All the best. Reply. Liz says October 3, at pm. Hello Mam, I just came to see one Discussion essay “Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion”. Can we follow the same structure of ” Discuss both views and give your own opinion
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