The thing about the PhD research proposal is that you have to encapsulate everything that you want to accomplish, communicate in a concise way what you want to do, the resources that it will require, and finally you have to convince the reader of the viability and necessity of the project. It’s difficult to know where, to begin with writing something like this, but with the help of a PhD research proposal example A Research outline ( words) for a PhD should consist of the following elements: i. Reseach proposal ( words) ii. Dissertation title and chapter-by-chapter structure iii. Research and writing timetable iv. Select bibliography i. The Research Proposal should set out Feb 05, · Essential Elements for Research Proposal Writing Title of the Problem. Research work must have a title. The title would be precise and appropriate. It would not be too Abstract. The proposal would include a precise statement of the intended research. It Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Research Proposal Writing Outline for PhD
All research students are required in their first year to submit an outline of their researcht opic and to confirm the title of their proposed thesis. Those beginning postgraduate study within the Department will do so as part of their Research Training course. The Research Outline must be completed within four months of registration for full-time students, six months for part-time students. A Research outline words for a PhD should consist of the following elements:.
Reseach proposal words. Dissertation title and chapter-by-chapter structure. Research and writing timetable. Select bibliography. The Research Proposal should set out:. o The problem which the dissertation aims to address including consideration of the existing state of the question in secondary literature.
o The methods to be used including discussion of the relevant primary texts, and a summary of the issues involved in their interpretation. o The proposed solution i. the line of argument the dissertation is likely to take, phd research proposal outline, on the understanding that this can only be tentative at this stage.
Note the key distinction between "problem" and "method". Abstracting the problem form the immediate context of the material is the crucial analytical move to be made in articulating a Research Proposal. Title and chapter-by-chapter structure are, necessarily, provisional at this stage -- but a provisional sketch is useful all the same. The basic question is, how best to develop a line of argument through the dissertation.
The research and writing timetable should follow from the chapter plan, and should set deadlines through the course for the research and completion of draft chapters. Travel to archives must be included in the timetable. In the bibliography you should list the most important primary and secondary sources, and indicate their availability or otherwise in Manchester. Students must consult the supervisor about the preparation of the Research Outline.
It forms not only an essential part of the probationary review, but of all subsequent assessments of student progress.
The Research Outline is not a binding contract, however. It is well understood that it is in the nature of good research to develop, phd research proposal outline, sometimes in unexpected ways, which may mean that the final form of the thesis is phd research proposal outline different from that originally projected.
As indicated on the application form, every application to study for a research degree in the School of Law must be accompanied by an outline of the proposed research. This statement of proposed research is important for two main reasons:. The phd research proposal outline provides the information to enable us to assess this.
The following guidance is designed to assist you in drafting a suitable research proposal. Once you have read this guidance you should:. Most UK universities have copies in the library of all past successful PhDs. PhD proposals: choice of subject. The most fundamental point is that the subject chosen must be suitable for study for a PhD degree. It must be chosen bearing in mind both:.
A PhD degree normally reflects three years of full time study. Potential candidates often overestimate the ground which it is reasonably possible to cover in this time period, and, as a result, the general tendency is for proposals to be too ambitious in their phd research proposal outline. As for the standards involved, it should be emphasised that for a PhD thesis must show "originality and innovation".
As will be obvious from these considerations, it is not normally adequate for a PhD simply to indicate that you wish to undertake a general review of an area of law on which there is already a significant existing literature.
Projects which would be unsuitablefor example, on both the grounds referred to above, would be the following:. a review of European Community law governing the enforcement of European law in national courts of Member States.
an examination of international rules on social and cultural rights. an assessment of the current position regarding the protection of biodiversity through international conventions. problems in the law relating to international banking regulation. the development of international rules relating to electronic commerce. an assessment of English law relating to frustration of contract.
a critical examination of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the World Trade Organisation. This does not mean, of course, that it is not possible to pursue a PhD on these subjects.
Rather, it means that any research in these areas will have to have a much more precise and narrow focus than is indicated above. Examples of suitable projects in each of the areas 1, 2 and 3 above are given are provided at the end of this section. What type of project is suitable?
The following are just a few possible types of PhD project, together with specific examples of such projects. This list is non-exhaustive; there are many other possible approaches which could be taken. For example, a recent PhD has involved an examination and critical assessment of the new rules on inter-governmental settlement of trade disputes adopted in the context of trade agreements between the Association of South East Asian Nations.
For an example see Sample Proposal 1 at the end of this section. This project is concerned with the broad subject of remedies for enforcing EC law, phd research proposal outline. It involves an analysis of how far firms actually use the remedies which they are given by European Community law in a very specific area, namely public procurement, and what factors influence their use or non-use.
The main objective of the study is to draw conclusions about the utility and development of enforcement strategy in this specific area of Community law. Such an examination may consist solely or mainly of library based or theoretical work, but may also involve consideration of data collected by others and possibly some original empirical work. Sample Proposal 2 at the end of this section is one example.
This project concerns the broad area of international rules on social and cultural rights, but focuses within that area on certain aspects of developing a methodology for monitoring implementation. As is indicated in the proposal, some work has already been done on this. The proposal explains clearly, however, what is the extent of the existing work, and how the proposed project will contribute to the field.
Sample Proposal 3 is another example. This project is concerned with the broad subject of preserving biodiversity, phd research proposal outline, referred to above. It addresses, however, the very specific question of the extent phd research proposal outline which scientific knowledge, as compared with economic or political considerations, phd research proposal outline, have influenced the making and implementation of international environmental conventions, using conventions on biodiversity as a case study.
MPhil proposals: choice of subject. A MPhil topic like a PhD must be chosen bearing in mind both the length of the project and the standards for the relevant degree.
The MPhil normally reflects two years of full time study, and, phd research proposal outline, as with PhDs, there is a general tendency to phd research proposal outline the ground which it is reasonably possible to cover and to submit proposals which are too ambitious in their scope.
In general, the same considerations which apply to PhD proposals also apply to MPhil proposals. Proposals suitable for PhD study are also generally suitable for an MPhil, with the proviso that their scope must, phd research proposal outline, of course, be narrower in order to be accommodated within the time frame for an MPhil, phd research proposal outline.
Frequently MPhil projects in practice show the same degree of "originality and innovation" required for a PhD, and differ only in so far as they are narrower in the extent of their coverage. However, in contrast with the PhD, there is no absolute requirement for "originality and innovation" in a MPhil thesis. It is instead phd research proposal outline required that thesis should embody the results of "advanced" study and research.
It is possible to satisfy this standard by undertaking a rigorous and critical review of work already completed in a particular field of law, without necessarily contributing anything new to the development of scholarship. The requirement of "advanced" study is, however, unlikely to be satisfied unless the chosen subject is sufficiently narrow for the candidate to examine the subject in depth.
This means that that topics listed in the previous subjects are still too broad for consideration at MPhil level — a suitable proposal in these fields would be likely to focus on one or more specific subjects within these broad areas.
The form of proposals. In general, a good proposal is normally about and words long one to two pages of A4 paper. There is no set format for proposals. However, a good proposal will often deal, at least to some extent, with the following with the order of material depending on phd research proposal outline precise nature of the work :.
For example, will the work by mainly library based? What are the main types of literature sources? Will the work involve original empirical research and, if so, what will be the nature and extent of this research? Phd research proposal outline Research Proposals. Sample 1. Sample 2. Sample 3. Sample Statist Islam put Pancasila as the sole basis of ideology, and rejected Islam as an ideology of the state and society.
Statist Islam, therefore, constituted developmentalist Islam which worked in the service of the state. In this framework, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the state-based Council of Indonesian Ulama, along with the state-supported Majelis Dakwah Islamiyah MDIYayasan Amal Bakti Muslim Pancasila, and Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim se-Indonesia ICMIwere important agencies of New Order statist Islam.
State use of Islamic discourse is not a new phenomena. The history of Islam has shown this phenomenon, long before. By producing or reproducing particular forms of Islamic discourse, the state participated in developing a certain hegemonic interpretation of Islam suitable with its own ideology and interests.
In Indonesia, this happened, for example, in the Islamic sultanates of Acheh, Palembang, phd research proposal outline, Demak, Banten, Ternate, and Tidore. In the colonial period, the Netherlands East Indies administration set up the Kantoor voor Inlandse Zaken Office for Native Affairs to, among other functions, produce and control the production of Islamic discourse.
The figures of such colonial intellectuals as C. Snouck Hurgronje, D. Rinkes, phd research proposal outline, and G. Pijper were very important not only in developing of the policies concerning Muslim subjects but also in producing—both directly and indirectly—a certain type of Islamic discourse.
How to write a PhD research proposal
, time: 40:18PhD: Research Outline Sample

A Research outline ( words) for a PhD should consist of the following elements: i. Reseach proposal ( words) ii. Dissertation title and chapter-by-chapter structure iii. Research and writing timetable iv. Select bibliography i. The Research Proposal should set out Feb 05, · Essential Elements for Research Proposal Writing Title of the Problem. Research work must have a title. The title would be precise and appropriate. It would not be too Abstract. The proposal would include a precise statement of the intended research. It Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins The thing about the PhD research proposal is that you have to encapsulate everything that you want to accomplish, communicate in a concise way what you want to do, the resources that it will require, and finally you have to convince the reader of the viability and necessity of the project. It’s difficult to know where, to begin with writing something like this, but with the help of a PhD research proposal example
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