Thursday, October 7, 2021

My high school journey essay

My high school journey essay

my high school journey essay

 · Highschool Journey Essay Example I was nervous but excited. It was not hard to make new friends, but leaving your old ones behind was the hardest. I was too caught up with all the excitement and did not realize what I was becoming. I wanted to become friends with blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins High school can be a difficult journey in one’s life. Teenagers create drama, teachers stress out students with an abundance of homework, and sometimes procrastination defeats the high schooler's will to get work done. Despite all of that, high school is great; one must look at the little moments, the fun times, and the friends throughout. Arnold Spirit, Jr. had an atypical freshman year in The journey through High School could sometimes be difficult for some people, but for me it was all about having to shift my focus to school and do whatever needed to be done to insure that my schooling would have a positive impact on my future

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I have learned who I truly am and who I have become. I have also learned who my true friends are, and what major components that made a huge impact on my life. Throughout my high school experience, I have faced many stressful moments and peaceful moments, but in the end I look back with no regrets. I am sixteen years old and currently attending my grade 11 year at Mississauga Secondary School.

Every year feels like a new beginning. That was the joy about high school, my high school journey essay. You make a whole new load of friends, lose the old and regret the forgotten.

I remember the first time I stepped into MSS. I was nervous but excited. It was not hard to make new friends, but leaving your old ones behind was the hardest. I was too caught up with all the excitement and did not realize what I was becoming. I wanted to become friends with everyone. All that mattered at that point was not to overlook anyone.

My first year of high school was the most remarkable year because that was the year when I got to know everyone. But it was not a matter of time when I started to separate the real from the fake. I met Emily in grade 8, ever since; we have become the best of friends.

We have had our ups and downs but we fought through it together. She helped me when I was at my lowest and when I was in the need of a mentor. A friend like Emily is difficult to find. Where ever there were girls, there was drama. People were selfish, rude and unappreciative. The first year of high school is always the worst but in the end the laughter and stories are the best. Throughout my entire high school experience, the biggest expectation was my grades.

It was short and sweet, if you fail to plan, you will plan to fail. The pressure was coming from either home or from school. The feeling of being in high school got me carried away and my high school journey essay my education tremendously.

Focusing on school work was very stressing because of the amount of education I was obligated to learn was too much to handle at once, my high school journey essay.

During my whole experience, I slacked off many times but I knew my limits. I knew when to stop and when to try harder. I was never a bright student but I tried my best and sometimes it was acknowledged.

But having the feeling of getting better than the smart kid was the best experience anyone could ever my high school journey essay. Making my parents proud was another thing. In my household, if you got the grades, you got the wish. My parents were very supportive and still are but their pressure got me my high school journey essay think nothing was good enough. I pushed myself into things that I never thought I would do.

I was physically and mentally stressed and I did not have an answer to anything. At one point, I wanted to give up but I knew if I did then I would face a bigger dilemma. I am glad my parents were there for me because if no one had pushed me as hard as they did, I do not know where I would be. I worried too much about their opinion. Their love was unconditional and I was blinded by the pressure.

Another component that affected my experience in high school was looking forward to the future. Only 16 years of age and I had the biggest plans. My goal is to become a successful criminal justice attorney and make big bucks. I am starting my last and final year of high school and it gets me nervous to think about what and where My high school journey essay am going to be in the future.

I always think about what friends will still be by my side, what job I am going to have and what my future goals are. My one fear is to look back at the past. I regret many things in my past but I do not regret my high school experience. The past is the past and is meant to be forgotten.

High school taught me not to give up and there is more to it then just reading and writing. Looking forward to the future helps me progress as an individual because I know I can make it past the ups and downs. The future enhances many things because you get a second chance on specific opportunities. High school gave me chance to learn and better myself for the future. My high school journey has effectively changed my view on everything.

High school can be scary and overwhelming but it is far most the best experience I have ever been through. The first times are the worst but you will probably figure out in the end that everyone feels the same as you do. High school helped me learn a lot of new things. The elements that impacted my whole high school experience were my friends, my high school journey essay, my education, and looking forward to the future, my high school journey essay.

High school helped me improve my maturity and become a person that I would never think to be. It has lifelong reputations and images that will follow you forever, but it is always best to move on and progress. The changes throughout my high school experience has changed me both physically and mentally based on all the situations and fears I my high school journey essay to become what I am today.

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Highschool Journey Free Essay Sample

my high school journey essay

My journey in High School was scary, exciting, and successful. On the night before the first day of high school, I was the most nervous thirteen year old in show more content Those obstacles have made me a stronger person than I was before and I am thankful for them The journey through High School could sometimes be difficult for some people, but for me it was all about having to shift my focus to school and do whatever needed to be done to insure that my schooling would have a positive impact on my future My high school experience was a long, frustrating learning experience. I didn’t know what to expect, or what I was getting myself into. Nobody gave me the tools to understand the main focus of each year. I am going to give you tips and advice on how to succeed in high school. I will discuss th grade along with what to expect each year

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