· Topic: Should a college or university education be tuition free essay. College tuition fees have been on the rise in the last couple of years. Now many jobs require a college degree which makes it hard for those without higher education. The higher somebody goes in their education the easier it is to get almost any job they want Jackie Priebe Mr. Hosler AP English Free College Argumentative Essay College has been considered an elite privilege since they opened many decades ago. Many young adults that go to college end up getting a well-paying career, but with an increase of price of college tuition in the past few decades, most families find college over expensive. With the expensive tuition many Argumentative Essay: Why Community College Should Be Free Words | 3 Pages. Firstly, college should be granted to students freely because it will encourage them to concentrate on their educations
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In a way, college athletes are already getting paid. Universities should not have to hand out more money to their athletes just to satisfy them. It would be unfair to other non-athlete students if college athletes were to receive payment for play and give athletic scholarships.
A student might have to drop out and get a job to provide for younger siblings or a parent. This would be an understandable reason to not continue college, but is very specific to certain people or families. Another personal case of why an individual would drop out is college is it is just not the right fit for their life. College does teach valuable life skills and provides an advanced education for those who need it, yet some professions do not require a degree.
If a student is not getting valuable instruction for what they want to do, it would be the smart thing to back out and peruse an apprenticeship for example. What if college was miraculously free, free college argumentative essay. It would be free college argumentative essay going to your public high school without paying that horrendous tuition fee.
If there was a such thing about free college lower income students might reach graduation. Firstly, college should be granted to students freely because it will encourage them to concentrate on their educations, free college argumentative essay. Some college students are working part-time jobs and are full-time students. Perhaps, free college argumentative essay, working through college will not always cover all of a student's education expenses including books, supplies, room and board.
If free tuition is given, students will have further time to educate themselves. Moreover, college tuition and prices are at free college argumentative essay all-time high. In the world we live in today. Going to college is no longer a choice, or privilege, but rather a need for a brighter future. Free college argumentative essay answer to that question is yes. Though there are many free college argumentative essay who believe that college is not for everyone, attending college and getting a higher education can open the gates to many tremendous life changing opportunities such as becoming healthier, begin able to secure jobs, and earning more financially.
In life you want to have things and better your life so you will need to get a good job, free college argumentative essay. College will clearly help you increase your chances of doing that, free college argumentative essay.
Going to college is worth it because you will have better security in life. According to College Board you are a third more likely to have benefits from your better job that will give you more security in life. When you get benefits your benefits are like health care, sick days, and a retirement plan. Having free tuition for college means that more people who cannot afford it now, would end up going.
This is a good thing in terms that more people are getting a good education and continuing their educational careers to hopefully obtain good job, but it also decrease the value of a college education.
If more people are able to earn degrees, it devalues them. Finding jobs even with their qualifications would be difficult Should college be free?
This idea would also apply to the students, mainly student-athletes, that work for multiple years to try to perfect their skill and obtain full or half scholarship, free college argumentative essay.
Another thing is that there is a better chance of being able to do what the student free college argumentative essay for a living, but again, there is no guarantee of that happening.
It is possible that the college graduate will never find a job because there are too many college graduates, and they will go homeless because of the debt from college.
For example, a parent may worry it's their fault for holding their children back, but since college bound is here, their anxiety can be reduced. This will help students prepare for college instead of preparing for nothing. In my opinion, college bound scholarship was a genius idea. I state this because of many reasons, First of all, this reduces anxiety a parent might have.
Like I said before, a parent might feel responsible that their children is not going to college and feel like it's unacceptable and work maybe 2 jobs to get the money. Do you plan on going to college? Should college be free? Whether it sports or projects that have gotten people scholarships; others have to pay.
The problem is the lawsuits that are holding the NCAA back from doing so and they also free college argumentative essay arguments of paying college athletes pointless. These kids should just go through college like the alumni did and it will all payoff when they get their first major job paycheck. The point of college is to get you ready for the real world and if college athletes get paid while in college it totally defeats the purpose of college, free college argumentative essay.
Then try convince us that we should focus on our works skills and experience than wasting precious time on college. Also they will point out that college causes you to receive debt. Its true college will cause some debt but it is worth in the long run when people can be financially stable and not have to worry about many things in life, not have to struggle through life.
In "Is College Worth It? This is a simple thing that could reduce the cost of college for students greatly. Another way to reduce the price of college is to give more need based loans and scholarships. Coles says that students who have the greatest need do not receive enough or any support for college.
Many loans and scholarships that are free college argumentative essay are merit-based, given to students who do well in high school, but may not actually need money to pay for college. If we can reduce these merit based loans we could increase the number of need-based loans and thus make college more affordable to the low-class families, who actually need help paying for. IPL Argumentative Essay: Should College Be Free? Argumentative Essay: Should College Be Free?
In today society, people are easily looked by their college degree level and they can be judged by their degree. But not everybody can afford to go to college in order to get a degree. Free college argumentative essay have different reasons of not going to college but most of the reasons are because of the tuition.
Tuition are too high and they can not free college argumentative essay it. If the free college situation does not make a great effect on the economy, I believe that college should be free because free college can encourage more students to go to college, free college argumentative essay, earn a degree and can decide on their future without the worry of paying debt and contributing to create a better society with their knowledges.
If college is free, students would not focus seriously on their college education, free college argumentative essay. They just go to college because it is free. The results could be dropping out of college and graduation rate would be lower. Or another effect that students are not well prepare enough for the real world because they just try to get the degree to graduate and actually not learn anything. If going to college is free, it is similar of students go to elementary, middle or high schoolthey are just going to school and are not really think ahead of their future.
But when students get to college, hopefully they are old enough to realize what is best for them. If free college could happen, students should be thankful for that and try their best to achieve what they want. College should be free because of it can makes a big effect on student 's lives. If college can be free, more students would go free college argumentative essay school and to get a higher degree for themselves. Then after graduating college without debt, students can be able to think about their own life such as doing business, buying house, etc.
Also a better - educated population can make positive effect on the society. There could be downside of the situation but students could be able to overcome it because going to college is for their own education and life. Going to college is for changing the student 's own futures and also the. Show More. Read More. College Dropout Analysis Words 5 Pages A student might have to drop out and get a job to provide for younger siblings or a parent.
Argumentative Essay: Why Community College Should Be Free Words 3 Pages Firstly, college should be granted to students freely because it will encourage them to concentrate on their educations. Is College Worth It Words 5 Pages In the world we live in today.
Explain Why College Is Worth It Essay Words 2 Pages In life you want to have things and better your life so you will need to get a good job. Persuasive Essay On Community College Words 6 Pages Having free tuition for college means that more people who cannot afford it now, would end up going.
Benefits Of College Bound Scholarship Words 5 Pages For example, a parent may worry it's their free college argumentative essay for holding their children back, but since college bound is here, their anxiety can be reduced.
Should College Be Free Research Paper Words 2 Pages Do you plan on going to college? Pros And Cons Of Paying College Athletes Get Paid Words 2 Pages The problem is the lawsuits that are holding the NCAA back from doing so and they also make arguments of paying college athletes pointless.
What's Is College Worth It? Overcoming Financial Barriers Of Going To College Words 6 Pages This is a simple thing that could reduce the cost of college for students greatly. Related Topics. University Higher education College High school Education Academic degree. Open Document.
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Argumentative Essay: Should College Be Free For Everyone? People have to put off college to get the money they need, but by the time that time it may be too late and they may decide not to go. “A study from million high school students graduating in who took the ACT said 95% wanted to continue education, only 59% immediately enrolled in college” (Take) · Argumentative Essay: Why College Should Be Free Around the world from close to a total collapse of South Africa to prosperous Chile and the UK students more often be decided on a radical protest against the high price of higher blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Jackie Priebe Mr. Hosler AP English Free College Argumentative Essay College has been considered an elite privilege since they opened many decades ago. Many young adults that go to college end up getting a well-paying career, but with an increase of price of college tuition in the past few decades, most families find college over expensive. With the expensive tuition many
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