One ethical dilemma is the creation of a full proof plan. A leader must come up with a convincing plan for the new risky project that would help followers to have trust in its success. An ethical dilemma can arise when a leader is unable to come up with a full proof plan Unique from other leadership types, ethical leadership is an overt leadership attempt to influence followers’ ethical conduct by emphasizing moral management. Ethical leaders play a critical role in promoting and perpetuating a social exchange and culture of honesty, accountability, unbiased treatment, consideration, and respect across an organization Jan 29, · Such is the nature of ethical leadership, which requires a steadfast focus on a core set of ethical principles and values that guide a leader's judgment, ensuring consistency over the long-term. These are also the fundamental aspects of any leader's long-term credibility as well, and their ability to transform their enterprises over the long-term as well (John, )
Ethical leadership Essay Sample
Leaders must understand the subject of ethics — what it is and why is it important. Ethics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the intent, means and consequences of moral behavior.
It is the study of moral judgments and right and wrong conduct. Some human judgments are factual the earth is round ; others are aesthetic she is beautiful ; and still others are moral people should be honest and should not kill. Ethical Leadership is leadership that is involved in leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of other. Leaders who are ethical, demonstrate a level of integrity that is important for stimulating a sense of leader trustworthiness, which is important for followers to accept the vision of essay on ethical leadership leader.
Task done as described and better, essay on ethical leadership, responded to all my questions promptly too! These are critical and direct components to leading ethically. Individual values and beliefs impact the ethical decisions of leaders. Be Honest and Trustworthy and Have Integrity in Dealing with Others.
Trustworthiness contributes to leadership effectiveness. A perception that high-ranking business leaders were untrustworthy contributed to the spectacular decline in stock prices during the period. An ethical leader is honest tells the truthand trustworthy constituents accept his or her word.
In other words, he or she has integrity. According to Thomas E. Becker, this quality goes beyond honesty and conscientiousness. Integrity refers to loyalty to rational principles; it means practicing what one preaches regardless of emotional or social pressure.
An ethical and moral leader strives to treat fairly all interested parties by his or her decisions. To do otherwise creates winners and losers after many decisions are made. A leader interested in maximizing shareholder wealth might attempt to cut costs and increase profits in such ways: laying-off valuable employees to reduce payroll costs, overstating profits to impress investors, overcharging customers, siphoning money from the employee pension fund and reducing health benefits for retiree.
Although the aforementioned may be standard practice, they all violate the rights of stakeholders. A corollary of taking into account the needs of all stakeholders is that the leader helps people achieve a common goal. Peter G. When many people work toward the same constructive goal, essay on ethical leadership, they build a community.
Respecting individuals is a principle of ethical and moral leadership that incorporates other aspects of morality. If you tell the truth, you respect others well enough to be honest. If you keep promises, you also show respect. And if you treat others fairly, you show respect.
Showing respect for the individual also means that you recognize that everybody has some inner worth and should be treated with courtesy and kindness. The ethical and moral leader works silently, and somewhat behind the scenes, essay on ethical leadership, to accomplish moral victories regularly.
Instead of being perceived as hero or heroine, the moral leader quietly works on moral agenda. Quite often he or she will work out a compromise to ensure that a decision in process will have an ethical outcome. Maintaining professional ethics in the supervisory process can pose unique challenges. The same ethical violations that can occur in a therapeutic relationship can be paralleled in a supervisory relationship.
From performance evaluations to dual relationships, the supervisory relationship can be fraught with chances for uncomfortable, inappropriate, essay on ethical leadership, and potentially litigious situations, essay on ethical leadership. He gets his work done. She dumps administrative duties on me that she should be performing. Do we have to give up our friendship? A new employee reported she is being abused by her live-in boyfriend.
She feels she is in danger and would like to enter the shelter and receive counseling with us. What do I do? Define Leadership attempts and the influence of ethical and unethical behavior on leadership attempts In any thesaurus or dictionary, you will find that successful and effective are oftentimes used as synonyms for each other.
On a fundamental level, they are very similar terms, essay on ethical leadership. However, when you break these terms down within the context of leadership, they can mean two very different things, essay on ethical leadership. So different, in fact, that the researcher Bass created an illustration Figure 1 that demonstrates the difference. Leadership Attempts essay on ethical leadership an effort by any individual to have some effect on the behavior of another individual.
This leadership attempts can essay on ethical leadership measured successful or unsuccessful, depending upon production of the desired action or response.
Essay on ethical leadership good example of this is getting employees to complete tasks on time. To be considered an effective leader, one must take leadership to another level, past just being successful. If Person B does what Person A asks only because of positional power, influence, or guilt, then the leader Person A has been successful in this scenario, but not effective.
The bottom line is that success has essay on ethical leadership do with how the individual or group behaves; effectiveness describes the internal state of the individual or group and is attitudinal in nature. An effective leader will usually generate personal power through follower acceptance and will use more general supervision.
Both of these are great ways to empower group and community members. If doing what is right produces something bad, or if doing what is wrong produces something good, the force of moral obligation may seem balanced by the reality of the good end.
We can have the satisfaction of being right, regardless of the damage done; or we can aim for what seems to be the best outcome, regardless of what wrongs must be committed. This pattern of dilemma is illustrated in the chart. It refers to judgement about what is right and wrong. DILEMMA It seems a negative term. A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives, any difficult or perplexing situation or problem, essay on ethical leadership.
ETHICAL DILEMMAS It is a situation in which two or more deeply held values come into conflict It is a problematic situation whose possible solutions all offer imperfect and unsatisfactory answer. It occurs when key factors within a situation lead to different decisions and each of the decisions is equally valid. Is often Evoke powerful emotions and strong personal opinion. An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another.
The topics of ethics, integrity, compromise and corruption have to become as essay on ethical leadership as other critical areas of law enforcement training if significant changes can occur. This is also called an ethical paradox since in moral philosophy, paradox often plays a central role in ethics debates.
Ethical dilemmas are often cited in an attempt to refute an ethical system or moral code, as well as the worldview that encompasses or grows from it. Leaders have a tough time these days convincing us essay on ethical leadership they are honest. A US survey infor example, found that nearly half 48 percent of those questioned rated the honesty and ethics standards.
That is, essay on ethical leadership, few have developed their values into a moral compass pointing the way to comprehensive trading policies, robust structures and systems, and many other elements contributing to running an ethical business. In trying to shift their cultures towards a more ethical approach, many leaders will conclude that they need to develop their own skills in handling ethics.
For example, some may neglect to ensure that nuts and bolts of what makes an ethics programme effective. This is seldom due to negligence, but to lack of awareness of what it takes to make a sustained cultural change in the right direction. Consequently, essay on ethical leadership, many leaders will benefit from having their own ethics and values tune-up.
This includes opportunities to examine their own ethical decision-making skills and the ethical environment of the company. Not sure if what you feel is an ethical dilemma? Here are the signs that may help you determine if you are experiencing an ethical problem. Discomfort — if something about a situation makes you uneasy, it is time to start finding out what is causing the feeling and why. Guilt — rather than deny the feeling, explore and respond to it.
Stress — Putting off making a difficult choice, losing sleep and feeling pressured can be all signs of an ethical problem Anger — If you are feeling angry at being pressured, essay on ethical leadership, it could be a sign of an ethical problem. Training can help managers clarify their ethical framework and practice self-discipline when making decisions in difficult circumstances.
According to the London-based Institute of Business ethics, which surveys UK companies every three years on the use of their codes of ethics, six out of ten UK companies provided training in business ethics for all their staff in However, this is a 10 per cent drop on Yet the employee may be torn between loyalty to colleagues and commitment to the company.
The eventual choice will depend on developing a uniquely personal view of the world, drawing on existing formal guidance but more significantly, also referring to individually held beliefs and desires. This is why rehearsals — the chance to practise with realistic examples of cases — is so essential for acquiring the necessary learning, essay on ethical leadership.
Recognizing an ethical issue can be difficult, even when right in front of you. In fact, people predict that they will behave more ethically that they actually do. When evaluating past unethical behaviour, essay on ethical leadership, they usually believe that they will essay on ethical leadership more ethically than they actually did.
So there is a general tendency for people to fail to realize that they are making choices which affect others, with possible adverse consequences, and which should therefore be considered from a moral point of view. It is simply not a viable business strategy to claim that there is no such thing as ethics in business — this is a sure way of avoiding any personal responsibility for what is essay on ethical leadership. Given the complex socio-cultural milieu in which leaders operate, it is not surprising that they would find themselves, from time-to-time, faced with ethical dilemmas.
These competing choices have been described as pulling leaders in different directions, and have been found to cause leaders great stress essay on ethical leadership anxiety. In other words, the choices could all be seen as right. How essay on ethical leadership interpret, essay on ethical leadership, respond to, and resolve ethical dilemmas is likely to depend on a variety of factors and forces both internal and external to the leader. Two classification of Ethical DILEMMA RIGHT VERSUS RIGHT DILEMMA.
Ethical essay on ethical leadership emerge when two core values come into conflict with each other. Ethical issues emerge when a core moral value has been violated or ignored.
When honesty is an important value to a person, and another person is found to be acting dishonestly, it is generally acknowledged that the action was unethical. Question to ask help determine appropriate steps to take in an ethical dilemma.
What is Ethical Leadership?
, time: 45:25Ethical Leadership Free Essay Example

Jan 29, · Such is the nature of ethical leadership, which requires a steadfast focus on a core set of ethical principles and values that guide a leader's judgment, ensuring consistency over the long-term. These are also the fundamental aspects of any leader's long-term credibility as well, and their ability to transform their enterprises over the long-term as well (John, ) One ethical dilemma is the creation of a full proof plan. A leader must come up with a convincing plan for the new risky project that would help followers to have trust in its success. An ethical dilemma can arise when a leader is unable to come up with a full proof plan Unique from other leadership types, ethical leadership is an overt leadership attempt to influence followers’ ethical conduct by emphasizing moral management. Ethical leaders play a critical role in promoting and perpetuating a social exchange and culture of honesty, accountability, unbiased treatment, consideration, and respect across an organization
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