11 rows · Avoid like the plague any Ed.D. program that claims to have no dissertation or capstone Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins 31 rows · Here’s a list of doctoral programs that don’t require a dissertation. Instead, you complete Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Jul 28, · There are more and more universities offering online doctoral programs in education without dissertation requirements. Online EdD Programs Without Dissertation Select the Education degree specialization that most interests you from the list below: Adult Learning Community College Leadership Curriculum & Instruction Early Childhood EducationEstimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Online EdD Programs No Dissertation Required (Applied Capstone Projects)
Home » 35 Best Online Doctoral Programs in Education Without Dissertation. As an educator, one of your greatest joys in life may come from helping others grow in their knowledge.
The more education you have, the more equipped you will be to help others learn. Editorial Listing ShortCode:. Through a doctoral program in education, you can become an expert in your chosen field, doctorate programs no dissertation, but may not want to tackle a dissertation.
There are more and more universities offering online doctoral programs in education without dissertation requirements. Although educating children might be the first thing that comes to mind for many people when they think about teachers, adult education is just as important.
If you have a passion to equip adult learners with skills and knowledge, then consider an EdD with a specialization in Adult Learning. Many graduates put this degree to work in higher education settings; for example, you could run programs to help people return to college after a break. Others provide training and education in public health, business or government settings, doctorate programs no dissertation.
Topics of study may include working with groups, providing ethical leadership and understanding learning styles. Community colleges provide many people with access to affordable, doctorate programs no dissertation, convenient higher education. If you have a passion for helping college students succeed in the classroom, then a concentration in Community College Leadership can fuel your professional growth.
Your topics of study may include budgeting, educational technology, policy making, diversity and evaluation methods. After graduation, you are likely to hold a leadership position in doctorate programs no dissertation community college, but you could also work for related organizations, such as a government education agency.
Whether your goal is to work with children or adults, a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction can help you become a more effective teacher or educational leader. You may need to hold a valid teaching license before beginning this program. After earning your doctorateyou might work in school administration, hold a leadership role among classroom teachers, teach in academia or serve as an educational consultant.
When you shape children during their early years, you can make a difference that lasts for a lifetime. By studying Early Childhood Education, you will become an expert in working with children up to age eight. This training can be useful in preschool and early elementary settings. You can also apply your studies in government agencies or community programs, or you can prepare the next generation of teachers as an instructor at the college level. You may want to look for a program that is accredited or recognized by the National Association for the Education of Young Children NAEYC.
While teachers work in the classroom, administrators are working behind-the-scenes to ensure that high-quality education is being delivered throughout the institution. Administrators work at all levels of education. For example, administrators in higher education may be responsible for maintaining a safe and satisfied student body, ensuring that legal regulations are being followed, doctorate programs no dissertation, or determining whether effective instruction and evaluation practices are being used.
For doctorate programs no dissertation with younger students, you could serve as the principal, special education director or superintendent. To help others become effective counselors, consider a concentration in Educational Counseling.
After earning this degree, you may serve in a supervisory or training capacity over counseling students or school counselors.
For success in this field, you must have a good grasp of counseling practices and well as effective instructional methods. Your curriculum may cover counseling theories, instructional methods, ethical practices and program evaluation. In addition, you may discuss case studies with your classmates and have hands-on opportunities to practice your supervision skills, doctorate programs no dissertation.
After doctorate programs no dissertation, you could work at a university or a healthcare facility, or you could join a government agency. What factors influence how students learn and how teachers teach? With a specialization in Educational Psychology, you can delve into the psychological factors that play a role in educational processes.
With this degree, doctorate programs no dissertation, you might decide to work in a school setting or serve as a corporate trainer. To hold a school counselor or school psychologist position, you may need to pursue licensure in your state; additional coursework may be required.
In many ways, technology is changing the face of education at all levels. If you want to be on the cutting edge of these educational developments, then you could pursue a concentration in Educational Technology. Your program will also cover planning, implementing and evaluating organizational change.
You may want to look for a program in which the curriculum is aligned with the standards set by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Being a leader requires being able to navigate change and guide others through the transition process, doctorate programs no dissertation. Your curriculum may cover instructional methods and organizational psychology. Additionally, the doctoral program will address methods of motivating staff and students to implement new, more effective teaching and learning methods.
This specialization can prepare you for an administrative doctorate programs no dissertation at a community college or a university. You could also put your degree into practice as a workplace trainer or an organizational change consultant. Strong reading skills can make all the difference during the school years and beyond. To help improve reading and comprehension for kids or adults, become an expert in the field with a Reading and Literacy concentration.
Your degree program will also cover the various theories behind language and literacy education. Although this degree can be quite helpful in a classroom setting, you can also pursue this field if you want to become a curriculum writer, a school consultant, a government policymaker or the director of a community program.
Teachers and administrators who work with special-needs students require a unique set of skills and knowledge. A Special Education concentration will hone the work you do among at-risk students, doctorate programs no dissertation, gifted learners, and those with physical, emotional or intellectual disabilities. The coursework may cover legal issues, data interpretation and program implementation. With a doctorate, you could become the director of an elementary or secondary special education program, or you could teach in the education department of a university.
Of course, you might also choose doctorate programs no dissertation work directly with students in the classroom, or you could write curriculum for special-needs learners. Earning a doctoral degree in education can open a number of career paths to you. Many of these options are in growing fields that offer promising salaries. Some doctoral-level positions within the field of education are expected to experience a faster growth rate. Administrators, such as principals, may work at the elementary, middle school or high school levels.
The responsibilities of an instructional coordinator include overseeing curriculum and teaching methods. Any college or university that you attend should be regionally accredited. This means that the entire school has received the approval of one of the main regional accreditorssuch as the Higher Doctorate programs no dissertation Commission or the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Your doctoral program may have additional accreditation from an industry-specific organization. The main accrediting body for schools of education is the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation CAEP. Early childhood programs may receive a distinction from the National Association for the Education of Young Children NAEYC, doctorate programs no dissertation.
Such accreditations affirm that a program is of the highest quality. The first step to obtaining financial aid for your doctoral program is to complete the free Application for Federal Student Aid FAFSA. Educators know how important it is to learn from one another, so there are many professional organizations available for people doctorate programs no dissertation this field.
Becoming a member of one or more of these groups may offer you opportunities for networking, support, discounts and professional development. Yes, many schools offer fully online doctoral programs ; from beginning to end, you may never have to step foot on campus or meet face-to-face with your faculty advisors. Other schools have hybrid programs that can be completed mostly online but may require some on-campus classes or in-person residencies.
In fact, some universities now offer EdD programs without GRE requirements. Some doctoral programs do not require a dissertationbut instead rely on capstone projects or other assessments.
An EdD is a professional doctorate designed for real-world application. A PhD may deal more with educational theory and research. It may be suited for those who want to conduct original research or teach at the college level.
In general, a full-time education doctoral program may take three to four years to complete. A select few with accelerated tracks may be doable in just 18 to 24 months. Programs that require dissertations may take longer than non-dissertation doctorates. Working full-time while going to school requires flexibility. Online doctoral programs can be ideal for those who need to balance school and employment.
If you find that a full-time class load is too much, consider part-time enrollment. Campus-based and online programs cover the same material and produce comparable results, but online EdD programs may offer greater scheduling flexibility, doctorate programs no dissertation.
With online classesyou may learn the material through a variety of media, including message boards, textbooks, interactive simulators, live discussions and prerecorded lectures.
Methodology: The following school list is in alphabetical order. To be included, a college or university must be doctorate programs no dissertation accredited and offer degree programs online or in a hybrid format. The universities below offer doctorate of education degrees without requiring a dissertation.
Under each school listed, you will find the specific EdD degrees offered. In addition, a number of schools have no GRE requirement for admissionthough it varies by program. Barry is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
Baylor is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. Cal U is accredited by the Commission of Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
Capella is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, doctorate programs no dissertation. CSP is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. ETSU is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. Fordham is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the Middle States Association. Franklin is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Governors State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Idaho State University is regionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
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, time: 9:4535 Online Doctoral Programs in Education Without Dissertation

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