The Main Areas to Consider for Your Philosophy PhD Thesis. Before picking the most popular thesis topics for your study, it is important to understand the different areas of philosophy. This will help you narrow down to the area of interest and write a great thesis: Epistemology: This is one of the top areas to base your philosophy PhD thesis topics. Epistemology deals with questions about belief and Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Orders of Normativity: Nietzsche, Science and Agency, Shane C. Callahan. PDF. Humanistic Climate Philosophy: Erich Fromm Revisited, Nicholas Dovellos. PDF. This, or Something like It: Socrates and the Problem of Authority, Simon Dutton. PDF A Doctoral degree is the pinnacle of your academic career. As such, achieving one is no easy task and requires years of hard work. Beginning with choosing the right topic to writing a winning proposal that will get the approval from your university committee to writing the final thesis, the task requires high resolve, focus, and determination
The Department of Philosophy Dissertations and Theses Series is comprised of dissertations and theses authored by Marquette University's Department of Philosophy doctoral and master's students. Concerning Aristotelian Animal EssencesDamon Andrew Watson, dissertation phd philosophy. When to Trust Authoritative Testimony: Generation and Transmission of Knowledge in Saadya Gaon, dissertation phd philosophy, Al-Ghazālī and Thomas AquinasBrett A. The Status of Irrationality: Karl Jaspers' Response to Davidson and SearleDaniel Adsett.
Cosmic City - Cosmic Teleology: A Reading of Metaphysics Λ 10 dissertation phd philosophy Politics I 2Brandon Henrigillis. Phenomenal Consciousness: An Husserlian ApproachJohn Jered Janes.
Al-Fārābī Metaphysics, and the Construction of Social Knowledge: Is Deception Warranted if it Leads to Happiness? The Epistemology of Disagreement: Hume, Kant, and the Current DebateRobert Kyle Whitaker. Towards a Philosophy of the Musical Experience: Phenomenology, dissertation phd philosophy, Culture, dissertation phd philosophy Ethnomusicology in Conversationdissertation phd philosophy, J.
Tyler Friedman. Humor, Power and Culture: A New Theory on the Experience and Ethics of HumorJennifer Marra. Care of the Sexual Self: Askesis As a Route to Sex Educationdissertation phd philosophy, Shaun Douglas Miller.
Re-Evaluating Augustinian Fatalism through the Eastern and Western Distinction between God's Essence and EnergiesStephen John Plecnik. Dissertation phd philosophy Fantastic Structure of Freedom: Sartre, Freud, and LacanGregory A. The Province of Conceptual Reason: Hegel's Post-Kantian RationalismWilliam Clark Wolf. Hume on Thick and Thin CausationAlexander Bozzo. Evolution, Naturalism, and Theism: An Inconsistent Triad? The Parable Dissertation phd philosophy Mirror: An Examination of the Use of Parables in the Works of KierkegaardRussell Hamer.
Contextualizing Aquinas's Ontology of Soul: An Analysis of His Arabic and Neoplatonic SourcesNathan McLain Blackerby. The Social and Historical Subject in Sartre and Foucault and Its Implications for Healthcare EthicsKimberly Siobhan Engels. Investigations of Worth: Towards a Phenomenology of ValuesDale Hobbs Jr. Developing Capabilities: A Feminist Discourse Ethics ApproachChad Kleist. Hegel and the Problem of the Multiplicity of Conflicting Philosophies dissertation phd philosophy, Matthew M.
Aquinas, Averroes, and the Human WillTraci Ann Phillipson. Nature, Feminism, and Flourishing: Human Nature and the Feminist Ethics of FlourishingCeleste D.
Kierkegaard in Light of the East: A Critical Comparison of the Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard with Dissertation phd philosophy Christian Philosophy and ThoughtAgust Magnusson. The Secular Transformation of Pride and Humility in the Moral Philosophy of David HumeKirstin April Carlson McPherson. Living within the Sacred Tension: Paradox and Its Significance for Christian Existence in the Thought of Søren KierkegaardMatthew Thomas Nowachek.
Moral Imagination and Adorno: Before dissertation phd philosophy After AuschwitzCatlyn Origitano. Essence and Necessity, and the Aristotelian Modal Syllogistic: A Historical and Analytical Study dissertation phd philosophy, Daniel James Vecchio.
Subversive HumorChris A. Virtue, Oppression, and Resistance StrugglesTrevor William Smith. Health As Embodied AuthenticityMargaret Steele. Recognition and Political Ontology: Fichte, Hegel, and HonnethVelimir Stojkovski.
The Conceptual Priority of the PerfectMatthew Peter Zdon, dissertation phd philosophy. Dangerous Knowledge? Morality And Moral Progress After NaturalismDaniel Diederich Farmer. Nietzsche's Revaluation of All Dissertation phd philosophyJoseph Anthony Kranak. Re-Enchanting The World: An Examination Of Ethics, Religion, And Their Relationship In The Work Of Charles TaylorDavid McPherson.
Thomas Aquinas on the Apprehension of Being: The Role of Judgement in Light of Thirteenth-Century SemanticsRosa Vargas Della Casa. Naturalized Panpsychism: An Alternative to Fundamentalist Physicalism and SupernaturalismEarl R.
The Concept of Personhood dissertation phd philosophy the Phenomenology of Edmund HusserlColin J. The Humanistic, Fideistic Philosophy of Philip MelanchthonCharles William Peterson. Knowledge and Thought in Heidegger and Foucault: Towards an Epistemology of RupturesArun Anantheeswaran Iyer. William James's Undivided Self and the Possibility of ImmortalityAnthony Karlin, dissertation phd philosophy.
The Poetics of Remembrance: Communal Memory and Identity in Heidegger and RicoeurDavid Leichter. The Ontological Foundations for Natural Law Theory and Contemporary Ethical NaturalismBernard Mauser. Sexualized Violence, Moral Disintegration and Ethical AdvocacyMelissa Mosko. Spinoza on Individuals and Individuation: Metaphysics, Morals, and PoliticsMatthew David Wion. The Paradox of Nature: Merleau-Ponty's Semi-Naturalistic Critique of Husserlian PhenomenologyShazad Akhtar. Hume's Conception of Time and its Implications for his Theories of Causation and InductionDaniel Esposito.
Arabic Influences in Aquinas's Doctrine of Intelligible SpeciesMax Herrera, dissertation phd philosophy. The Attestation of the Self as a Bridge Between Hermeneutics and Ontology in the Philosophy of Paul RicoeurSebastian Kaufmann. Love's Lack: The Relationship between Poverty and Eros in Plato's Symposiumdissertation phd philosophy, Lorelle D.
Friendship and Fidelity: An Historical and Critical ExaminationJoshua Walter Schulz. Natural Law Theory and the "Is"--"Ought" Problem: A Critique of Four SolutionsShalina Stilley. Attending to Presence: A Study of John Duns Scotus' Account of Sense Cognition dissertation phd philosophy, Amy F. Friendship and Self-Identity in the Thought of Paul RicoeurCristina Bucur. The Finality of Religion in Aquinas' Theory of Human ActsFrancisco José Romero Carrasquillo.
The finality of religion in Aquinas' theory of human actsFrancisco J Romero. A social contract analysis of Rawls and Rousseau: Supplanting the original position as philosophically most favoredPaul Neiman. To Validate a Feeling: the Role of the Mood of Angst in Human BeingGregory P. The conception and attributes of God: A comparison of Charles Sanders Peirce and Alfred North WhiteheadScott W Sinclair. Hans Jonas's ethic of responsibility applied to anti-aging technologies and the indefinite extension of the human life spanJeffrey P Goins.
David Hume and the principle of sufficient reasonGinger Lee. Virtue theory in Plato's "Republic"Griffin Dissertation phd philosophy Nelson. The principle of alternate possibilities: Finding freedom after FrankfurtMatthew F Pierlott. Is there a future for Marxist humanism?
Self-love and morality: Beyond egoism and altruismLi Jing. New waves in metaethics: Naturalist realism, naturalist antirealism and divine commandsDaniel R Kern. Eikos logos and eikos muthos: Dissertation phd philosophy study of the nature of the likely story in Plato's "Timaeus"Ryan Kenneth McBride. Hume's conclusions on the existence and nature of GodTimothy S Yoder. The foundations of the politics of differencePeter Nathaniel Bwanali.
The place of justice in the thinking of Emmanuel LevinasMichael H Gillick. Reason in Hume's Moral SystemJohn Muenzberg. Conceiving mind: A critique of Descartes' dualism and contemporary immaterialist views of consciousnessKristin P Schaupp. Respecting plurality in times of change: Hannah Arendt's conceptions of political, personal, and ethical responsibilityStephen Schulman.
Francis Suarez on the ontological status of individual unity vis-a-vis the Aristotelian doctrine of primary substanceJohn W Simmons. Through a glass darkly: Bernard Lonergan and Richard Rorty on the possibility of knowing without a God's-Eye-ViewRussell Snell. Building a Heideggerian ethicKelly Ann Burns. Thomas Aquinas and the self-evident proposition: A study of the manifold senses of a medieval conceptMichael Vincent Dougherty.
Ricoeur's narrative development dissertation phd philosophy Gadamer's hermeneutics: Continuity and discontinuityKeith D'Souza. Beauty's resting place: Unity in St. Augustine's sensible aestheticMatthew Joseph Hayes. Empathy and knowledge: Husserl's introductions to phenomenologyKevin Hermberg, dissertation phd philosophy.
The transactional model: A critical examination of John Dewey's philosophy of freedomMark N. Reflection on the "good" as a source of freedom in virtue theoryJohn DiBenedetto Morse.
Merleau-Ponty: Embodied subjectivity and the foundation of ethicsSarah Ann Fischer. Kant on love for oneself: Why respect for the moral law, but not the desire for happiness, is a moral incentiveLawrence Joseph Masek. Essence, individuation, and artifact: An Aristotelian model for familiar concrete particularsChad Vernon Meister. Normative strategies for resolving human rights conflictsEugene Thomas Rice.
Descartes' theory against artificial intelligence and the micro-worldJohn Robert Visintainer. Avicebron Solomon ibn Gabirol and Aquinas on primary and secondary causalityJohn A Laumakis. The Kehre and Heidegger's "Beitraege zur Philosophie Vom Ereignis "Louis J, dissertation phd philosophy.
The Kehre and Heidegger's "Beitraege zur Philosophie Vom Ereignis "Louis Joseph Schiano, dissertation phd philosophy. Faith and reason in the philosophy of Edith SteinKarl Christian Schudt. Faith and Reason in the Philosophy of Edith SteinKarl Christian Schudt.
Richard A. McCormick's proportionalism: A consequentialist ethical theoryPatrick Andrew Tully, dissertation phd philosophy.
How to write your PhD thesis
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Philosophy Dissertations and Theses. The Department of Philosophy Dissertations and Theses Series is comprised of dissertations and theses authored by Marquette University's Department of Philosophy doctoral and master's students. Follow A Doctoral degree is the pinnacle of your academic career. As such, achieving one is no easy task and requires years of hard work. Beginning with choosing the right topic to writing a winning proposal that will get the approval from your university committee to writing the final thesis, the task requires high resolve, focus, and determination The Main Areas to Consider for Your Philosophy PhD Thesis. Before picking the most popular thesis topics for your study, it is important to understand the different areas of philosophy. This will help you narrow down to the area of interest and write a great thesis: Epistemology: This is one of the top areas to base your philosophy PhD thesis topics. Epistemology deals with questions about belief and
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