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Critical reflection dissertation

Critical reflection dissertation

critical reflection dissertation

Apr 26,  · Writing a personal reflection for dissertation. The purpose of reflective writing is to help you learn from a particular practical experience. It will help you to make connections between what you are taught in theory and what you need to do in practice. You reflect so that you can blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Aug 28,  · Critical Reflection. A Critical Reflection (also called a reflective essay) is a process of identifying, questioning, and assessing our deeply-held assumptions – about our knowledge, the way we perceive events and issues, our beliefs, feelings, and actions. When you reflect critically, you use course material (lectures, readings, discussions, etc.) to examine our biases, compare theories with current Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Mar 28,  · Reflection Essay on Completing a Dissertation. “A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labour and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Personal Reflection Sample on Completing a Dissertation on CSR - Research-Methodology

This critical reflection is focused on my own experience of leadership whereby I suggest areas for my own development.

I am also using herewith leadership theory and concepts in analysing and evaluating the leadership case that I am presenting. Leadership is a process or series of actions directed toward group goals; it is a consistently demonstrated pattern of behaviour with certain objectives Ricketts and Ricketts, The case is therefore an observation of leadership in action where I am not a leader.

M delegates tasks as a way to manage the myriad responsibilities within the workplace. Often, meetings are called for in order to update the whole team on the work that members have accomplished. From this set of information, he was able to synthesise clearly the ideas being presented to him; regard each chunk of information as a potential contribution to what the team was trying to achieve, and identify the problems and challenges along the way, critical reflection dissertation.

He did all this with the help of the team, in which it must also be noted that teamwork is a necessary element of leadership, which must be considered in successful leadership Parker, A good attribute that was commendable of Mr, critical reflection dissertation.

M was his ability to see positively a certain scenario despite our perceived griminess of it. He was a democratic leader who held the final responsibility whilst delegating authority to others.

With his leadership, our communication — both upward and downward — was active. There was likewise high employee commitment because we were able to participate in the critical reflection dissertation process of our team, critical reflection dissertation.

This way, Mr. was able to encourage employees to function beyond just being rank-and-file workers. This concept of leadership was also present in Pride and colleagues in their discussion of leadership styles. Job autonomy was also encouraged much in the team and the organisation itself, with a minimum space for supervision from the supervisor himself. This way, as a member of the team, I was able to enhance my commitment to the job as I likewise felt being the one who owned the tasks and felt a sense of achievement in return.

Greater job autonomy certainly created identity in the job amongst us who were tasked to fulfill them. This atmosphere of responsibility and autonomy made me and the others appreciate our jobs better. This was critical reflection dissertation parallel to what Bligh and Riggio say about autonomy and job control in which they claimed that they autonomy and job control lead to employee empowerment.

Bligh and Riggio, critical reflection dissertation, Transactional theory could be found in the case example, whereby it demonstrates a transaction between the leader and the followers, giving importance to a positive and mutually beneficial relationship Martin et al.

The effectiveness of this theory is found in the development of a mutually reinforcing environment, for which individual goals and those of the organisation are in synch. Furthermore, problem solving was not a sole task of our supervisor, but one that involved everyone in our team; critical reflection dissertation, a group-shared activity.

The path-goal theory is seen in this example, whereby the leader directs activities, with varying manners. The theory maintains that the leader sees a path that needs to be trod and gets the group to accomplish it critical reflection dissertation commanding, rewarding, soliciting suggestions, etc. Griffin and Moorhead, However, I came to know that he did not go through development programmes for creative problem solving, which I think is necessary, considering that for a leader, the use of collaborative skills and creativity techniques is part of the leadership strategy, just as what Higgins had suggested.

In this regard, since Mr. M enabled his people to work well in delegation, he was able to function well as a coach. He was the kind who was willing to delegate and was comfortable to hand off assignments to the team. The kind of matters he delegated to those he led was not simply those referring to tasks but to responsibilities, which also harmonised with the discussion of Lussier and Achua M was not the kind of leader who would think that he was the boss with adequate knowledge and experience as an approach to problem solving, critical reflection dissertation.

Solving problems by a leader because he thinks he is the most capable one is what Tracy called reverse delegation. Instead, Mr. M avoids committing this reverse delegation by making us define the problem clearly, developing a range of solutions, and selecting a solution being recommended. I believe Mr. M was able to grow his staff — which was one of his major responsibilities as a leader — by helping them develop problem-solving skills.

There were times when a problem seemed too critical reflection dissertation to be handled by a member and would seek his help, to which his usual response would be to insist that the person must learn how to do it, critical reflection dissertation, with his guidance.

As much as he could, Mr. M does not take sides or intervene in interpersonal problems, to which some people in our team would attempt to make him a mediator or a counselor.

His tendency was not to express an opinion showing favour to one party over the other. This stance was also taken as positive by Tracywho said that as a rule, one would not be able to have the full story, and once a leader takes a particular critical reflection dissertation, it might mean weakening his authority with both persons in the future. As a result of good performance, the performing employee was rewarded by the leader.

Based on the case presented, the suggested areas for my own development as a leader critical reflection dissertation delegating responsibilities to my team members, promoting decision-making through problem solving, and motivating the workforce through a high degree of autonomy and job control. I have learned through this exercise that delegating responsibilities is not only to free or unburden the leader of the many workloads but to provide opportunities for growth.

Similarly, involving the whole team toward a problem-solving activity results in providing an opportunity for decision making. Noteworthy here is the fact that decision making allows employees to become more involved in the job Bhattacharya and McGlothlin, Critical reflection dissertation am also noting that a high level of autonomy in the job necessitates corresponding skills sets for the work, in which employees with high job autonomy tend to perceive greater responsibility for either the success or failure of their efforts, and are also likely to experience increased job satisfaction Lewis critical reflection dissertation al.

To conclude, the leader plays a crucial role in the development of members and in achieving organisational goals. M was able to promote trust and motivation both for himself and for his team members, typical of transformational leadership theory. Transactional theory had also demonstrated a specific transaction based on a mutually beneficial critical reflection dissertation between the leader and the followers. This case also complemented with the path-goal theory in which the leader guides the members in treading a desired path.

The case led to identification of my own areas for development. Bhattacharya, A. and McGlothlin, J. Second Edition, critical reflection dissertation. NW: CRC Press. Bligh, critical reflection dissertation, M. and Riggio, R. NY: Routledge. Gittens, B. Parkway: ProQuest LLC. Griffin, R. and Moorhead, G. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage-Learning. Higgins, J. Benscoter Ed. The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management: Thematic Essays pp.

Lewis, P, critical reflection dissertation. Mason, OH: Thomson Higher Education. Lussier, R. and Achua, C. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Martin, B. IL: Human Kinetics. Parker, G, critical reflection dissertation.

Pride, W. Critical reflection dissertation Edition. Ricketts, C. and Ricketts, J. Third Edition. Tags: experienceleadershipreflection. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it.

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critical reflection dissertation

May 01,  · Critical Reflection is “the process of analysing, reconsidering and questioning experiences within a broad context of issues (e. g., issues related to social justice, curriculum development, learning theories, politics, culture, or use of technology).Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Aug 28,  · Critical Reflection. A Critical Reflection (also called a reflective essay) is a process of identifying, questioning, and assessing our deeply-held assumptions – about our knowledge, the way we perceive events and issues, our beliefs, feelings, and actions. When you reflect critically, you use course material (lectures, readings, discussions, etc.) to examine our biases, compare theories with current Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Apr 26,  · Writing a personal reflection for dissertation. The purpose of reflective writing is to help you learn from a particular practical experience. It will help you to make connections between what you are taught in theory and what you need to do in practice. You reflect so that you can blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins

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