The School of General Studies, Columbia University (GS) is a liberal arts college and one of the undergraduate colleges of Columbia University, situated on the university's main campus in Morningside Heights, New York City. GS is known primarily for its B.A. degree program for non-traditional students, such as those who have had an academic break of at least one year or John H McWhorter is an associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University. He earned his B.A. from Rutgers, his M.A. from New York University, and his Ph.D. in linguistics from Stanford Columbia University is a private institution that was founded in It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 6, (fall ), its setting
Columbia University School of General Studies - Wikipedia
Transfer students columbia university essay unique and valuable perspectives to the Columbia community, and we are intentional in our efforts to welcome over transfer students to campus every year.
We accept transfer applications to Columbia College and Columbia Engineering from a range of two-year and four-year colleges and universities. Potential applicants to Columbia College who have taken a break of more than a full year in their education after high school with the exception of those who must complete national military serviceor those who wish to attend part time for personal or professional reasons should consider instead Columbia University's School of General Studies.
Potential applicants to Columbia Engineering should proceed with this transfer application regardless of any break in schooling. Entrance is for the fall semester only. To be eligible to enroll as a transfer student at Columbia, you must have completed, or be registered for, 24 points of credit the equivalent of one year of full-time study at another institution, columbia university essay, as well as have earned a high school diploma or equivalent by the application deadline.
Candidates with more than four semesters of college coursework elsewhere are not encouraged to apply. International students should read our International Transfer Students section. If you left high school without receiving a diploma in order to attend an early college program, you are not eligible for transfer admission and must apply as a first-year student by the appropriate Early Decision or Regular Decision deadline.
You will not be eligible to receive credit for such accelerated programs except for credit earned through standardized examinations e. Columbia also offers a Visiting Student Programcolumbia university essay, which allows students to take courses at Columbia for a maximum of two semesters, columbia university essay.
Visiting Students to Columbia College are not permitted to apply for transfer admission, and you may not apply simultaneously as a transfer and as a Visiting Student. Transfer applicants must use the Coalition Application to apply for admission to Columbia. The Common Application is for first-year applicants only.
A completed transfer application includes the following please see additional details about each component of the application following the checklist :. The Coalition Application and additional Columbia questions. An official high school transcript from all high schools columbia university essay. An official college transcript from all colleges attended. The Coalition Application Transfer Report. The Coalition Application Columbia university essay Report. See the Revised Testing Policy for the application cycle.
SAT or ACT, with writing not required. English proficiency examination score if necessary. Two College Academic Recommendations. The Coalition Application. The Coalition Application Profile has multiple sections, but not all are required. The following Profile sections are not columbia university essay for a complete transfer application to Columbia: 9thth Grade Coursework, 12th Grade Coursework, columbia university essay, and Coalition Essay.
We encourage transfer applicants to list all college coursework on their application, including current coursework, but discourage students from listing high school coursework. Please note, columbia university essay, while the Coalition Essay in the Profile is not required for a complete transfer application, applicants will be asked to upload a word essay responding to the following prompt in the Uploads section of the application: Please explain why you are interested in transferring from your current institution.
The personal essay does not need to be specific to Columbia, but it should inform the committee why you wish to leave your current institution. Following the general Coalition Application Profile, applicants will be asked to complete a number of Columbia-Specific Questions. Please submit transcripts from all high schools and colleges attended. Electronic transcripts are preferred for fastest processing. Please note that we receive many documents daily and that transcripts may take several days to process.
School Forms. The Coalition Application Transfer Reportwhich collects information about your standing at your current institution, columbia university essay, should be completed by a school official such as an advisor, dean or registrar at your current institution. This form may accompany your official columbia university essay transcript. Transfer Reports should be sent electronically to ugrad-confirm columbia. edu if they columbia university essay accompany your official transcript.
The Coalition Application Curriculum Report collects information about courses in which you are currently enrolled. Mid-term grades are often not available by March 1; we will accept this form until April 15 but strongly recommend that it be submitted as soon as mid-term grades are available.
Curriculum Reports should be submitted electronically to ugrad-confirm columbia. eduor uploaded directly through your applicant portal. Please do not submit the curriculum report until mid-term grades are available. A curriculum report with grades listed as "in progress" or with no grades listed will not meet this requirement. The curriculum report is not required for students who are not currently enrolled in a college or attending a school that operates on the quarter system, columbia university essay.
Two College Columbia university essay Recommendation Letters. Two academic recommendation letters from college professors. An optional third recommendation will be accepted from an advising dean or academic adviser. Recommendation letters should not come from high school teachers, employers, research supervisors or family members.
Standardized tests. Transfer applicants will still be expected to submit results from tests taken in past years.
Transfer applicants who have not previously tested will have this requirement waived for the columbia university essay cycle. Applicants may self-report their scores.
If you have previously taken the SAT Subject Tests, you may also report those scores. Supplements are not a required part of our admissions process; however, there may be occasions when supplementary materials can enhance our understanding of a student's application.
You must have completed or be registered for 24 points of credit the equivalent of one year of full-time study at another institution.
No more than 64 points in Columbia College or 68 points in Columbia Engineering will be awarded as transfer credit, including points earned through AP or IB examinations. We do not grant credit for college courses taken before a student's graduation from high school.
Credit for standardized exams e, columbia university essay. For more detailed information, students should refer to the Academic Credit for Transfer Students section of the Berick Center for Student Advising website. Please note that transfer credit evaluation occurs only at the time of acceptance. Columbia does not award transfer credit columbia university essay courses that are not analogous to those available at Columbia College or Columbia university essay Engineering.
We encourage you to review our College Bulletin and Columbia university essay Bulletin to become familiar with the types of courses that are offered here and therefore the courses that are more likely to be awarded credit. The Core is the cornerstone of undergraduate academic life at Columbia. Even those transferring in with advanced credit should expect to take elements of the Core, if not all of it.
Students are very rarely exempt from Core classes like Literature HumanitiesContemporary CivilizationArt Humanities and Music Humanities. Students are expected to graduate within eight semesters, including time spent at another college or university. Students are typically not permitted to extend their undergraduate studies unless they are enrolled in one of our Joint Degree programs e.
the Combined Plan. Admission to Columbia is not based on a simple formula of grades and test scores. Instead, we consider a variety of factors. Each year, we admit a small group of transfer students to Columbia College and Columbia Engineering. Because space in the sophomore and junior classes is limited, admission is highly competitive.
We typically admit fewer than 10 percent of the applicants for transfer admission each year. Potential transfers are expected to have a minimum GPA of 3. The majority of successful applicants to Columbia Engineering have completed an engineering track curriculum. For applicants with first-year standing at time of application this includes:. Enrolling transfer students will need to complete Core Curriculum requirements in addition to graduation requirements within their primary field of study.
Our review takes into account a candidate's ability to complete their course of study in a standard timeline of eight total semesters. To allow more flexibility with course selection at Columbia, we recommend applying with first-year standing at your current institution when possible. Due to the timing of columbia university essay transfer process, columbia university essay, we are generally unable to consider grades earned in the second semester of the year of application; thus, high school grades, rigor of program and standardized test scores are all important in the evaluation of transfer credentials, especially for students applying for sophomore standing.
If you have applied to Columbia previously, the documents you provided at that time will not roll over with the exception of SAT or ACT scores ; you must resubmit any information requested by this transfer application.
At Columbia, we are committed to fully supporting our transfer community. All transfer applicants who are citizens, permanent residents or other eligible non-citizens are evaluated without regard to their financial need. Foreign students applying for aid must understand that such aid is awarded on an extremely limited basis.
Please visit the Financial Aid website for more information on financial aid for transfer students, including all required forms. In addition, columbia university essay, the applicant will be required to attest to the accuracy and authenticity of columbia university essay information and documents submitted to Columbia.
If you have any questions about this requirement, please contact Undergraduate Admissions at ugrad-ask columbia. Failure to submit complete, accurate, columbia university essay, and authentic application documents consistent with these instructions may result in denial or revocation of admission, cancellation of academic credit, suspension, expulsion, or eventual revocation of degree.
Applicants may be required to assist admissions staff and faculty involved in admission reviews in the verification of all documents and statements made in documents submitted by students as part of the application review process.
All applicants to Columbia University must confirm on their application that they understand and agree to adhere to the above expectations. For questions about transfer admission and the application process, please visit our online FAQs. If you have additional questions, you may email ugrad-transfer columbia.
edu or call Mail should be sent to Columbia University in the City of New York, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Hamilton Hall, Mail CodeAmsterdam Avenue, New York, NY columbia university essay More Information Parents Columbia university essay Alumni About Our Alumni Alumni Volunteers. Transfer Admission, columbia university essay. The Transfer application for Fall is now live.
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, time: 10:42Transfer Admission | Columbia Undergraduate Admissions
The following Profile sections are not required for a complete transfer application to Columbia: 9thth Grade Coursework, 12th Grade Coursework, and Coalition Essay. We encourage transfer applicants to list all college coursework on their application, including current coursework, but discourage students from listing high school coursework The Dual BA Program Between Columbia University and Sciences Po welcomes the Class of , the largest class of incoming students to the Program since its launch in Alumni News Two Dual BA Graduates Win Human Rights Essay Competition » Astro News. Columbia Astronomers help to launch a new fellowship program.» August 18, ; Prof. Marcel Agüeros publishes essay on Arecibo Observatory» May 23, ; Daniel Wolf Savin selected as AAS Fellow» February 3, ; Columbia Astro PhD grad Nick Scoville wins AAS Henry Norris Russell Lectureship» January 20,
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