view essay example. Child Observation Childhood Cognitive Development 8 Pages. In this study the theory that is used with an experimental point of view was applied on a 24 months old child. It is an interpretation of a small part of Jean Piaget’s work, involving the observation of sensorimotor period of a child Observation Of Child Observation. Words | 8 Pages. Introduction Subject “Chris” is a 7 year old middle class Caucasian male. Observation is taking place in the child’s home over the course of two separate afternoons. Chris is a friendly and well spoken child who is small for his age. Chris is the youngest child in his family and both observations take place while his · Essay on Child Observation. Nassir Hassan Social Work June 28, April 11, 11 Minutes. This essay seeks to critically evaluate my role as a child observer. Drawing on two or more theories of child development, I will look at the main theoretical concept and critically evaluate in relation to my blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins
Child Observation Essay | Bartleby
This essay seeks to critically evaluate my role as a child observer. Drawing on two or more theories of child development, I will look at the main theoretical concept and critically evaluate in relation to my observation.
First, I begin a brief description of the child I observed and the setting in which the observation took place, child observation essays. Throughout the essay, I will critically examine and reflect on the process of undertaking my observation. And finally, issues of ethics and anti- oppressive practises will be discussed.
All three observations took place at the day-centre she attends. The day-care centre gave me permission to observe her, but not to interact and interfere with her educational activities. As this was my first observation, I was a bit anxious about how Sara might react about me watching her, and while her parents consented about the observations, Sara did not know that I am here to observe her; it is this scenario that made me uncomfortable, child observation essays.
I was particularly more concerned about the ethical issues of not informing Sara about the observation, child observation essays. In child observation essays with anyone who is undertaking child observations, I was quite unsure where to start and how to conduct myself.
I was anxious watching Sara in such an intimate way, child observation essays, and thought this could be intrusive to her personal space. For example; early in the observation, Sara was not talking and was mostly sitting quietly and I did not want to upset her, child observation essays.
But most importantly, the fact that Sara was the same racial background as mine made my observation a difficult one, because I was not sure whether I would child observation essays adequate learning about anti-discriminatory practice. However, because this kind of feeling is common among student child child observation essays, gave me some comfort and internal support. McMahon, During the first 29 minutes of my observations, Sara was not talking at all.
I moved closer so that I could see and hear her better. Sara looked up and then smiled at me. I did not know whether Sara talks or not, but to child observation essays ignorance I expected three and half years olds to speak at this stage. To my surprise at am I heard and saw Sara saying something. Sara is three and half years old and still is not talking, she says very few words and she seemed to be way behind compared with her peers.
So what is normal child development? see Goswani, child observation essays, Freud believed normal childhood development is subject to successful completion of these stages. Parrish, Avan and Kirkwood, While Freud highlights the importance aspects of child development, critics would point out that his tendency to focus on sexual urges to explain his concepts.
Another weakness is that the theory seems to be Eurocentric and does not take into account none European cultures. I did not understand why Sara was not able to talk; I was comparing her with my son who was able to talk by the age of two.
Why do we need to child observation essays child development? A good knowledge of child development and understanding theories that underpin such knowledge is essential, because it allows us to understand the concept of child development, hence theories of child development.
Similarly, understanding theories of language development can help us identify how children such as Sara develop their own language and communication skills. It is therefore important that Social workers understand the process of human growth and how children such as Sara acquire language acquisition.
Doherty and Hughes, 5. There are a number of theories child observation essays with child development; behaviourism and nativists are two of them. Behaviourism focuses on the process of language acquisition, it suggest that children learn through observation and reinforcement. Behaviourist such as Watson and B.
Child observation essays, Clearly, Sara used language to label objects of interest to her. In one occasion, I observed Sara naming shapes. When I enquired how Sara learned these, objects, child observation essays, I was told she uses ipad at home. Thus, theoretical knowledge is the key to effective intervention and good assessment when assessing children in need and their families. The observation and my ongoing learning of aspect of human growth module allowed me to become aware of positions of power and how such power can impact child development.
For example, child observation essays, parents or staff at day-care centres or child observation essays a social worker abusing their power when dealing with children. Furthermore, while this perspective emphasis on nurturing through reinforcement, in contrast, nativist proponent such as Noam Chomsky would argue that children have their own way of learning language without being reinforced by adults.
These different views helped me understand more about children growth and their language development. Before the observation, I rarely thought and tried to find out how children develop their language skills. But having read the deference perspectives about children development helped me understand and gave me a basic knowledge about child development, child observation essays.
Miller, He argued that children learn by example, child observation essays, they tend to copy the language or behaviour they see or hear being used around them.
But as learning through social interaction that involve observing what others are doing, learning from them and then communicating with them.
During my third observation, I observed number of factors which I taught were crucial in child development. Sara was playing with her peers away from where I was. This gave me an opportunity to observe her in naturalistic setting. She was able to play alone and with groups and was clearly learning from them. During my observation, child observation essays, I noticed that while Sara was not able to initiate her own speech, she child observation essays able to copy and say what she saw or heard, child observation essays.
Furthermore, her social interaction was impressive, she played and interacted well with her peers child observation essays did child observation essays exhibit any sign of isolation. As child observation has become an important tool for understanding child development, issues such ethics, child observation essays, values and anti-oppressive practice needs to be taken into account. Good relationship between social workers and services users are central to the effectiveness of good anti-oppressive practice.
Dalrymple and Burke states that social workers should seek knowledge, understanding and be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Although I did not witness any wrong doing during my observations at the day-care centre, I felt that it is paramount important that one needs to be encouraged to use anti-oppressive practices when working with children and families, child observation essays, in settings such as day-cares and nurseries.
In conclusion, in this essay I have stated that how child observation tasks I child observation essays undertaken has opened my eyes to the world of children. Because I have learned something I knew, but did not realise that I knew it. Every day I observed my own children but I rarely give a second thought about such observations.
I have also child observation essays about how my understanding of child development was very limited and the module contents and the child observations boosted my understanding immensely.
In addition, I mentioned the child I observed was the same racial background as mine, and felt that I might not get sufficient learning in terms of anti-oppressive and anti-discriminately practice, and because as a potential social worker, it is vital that I need to be exposed to other cultures.
I have also commented that the ethical dilemmas I have faced whilst observing. For example the child was not told that I will be observing her.
I looked at the various perspectives in relation to child development, what do they have in common and where they differ, their strengths and weaknesses. I have also talked about how anti-oppressive practice is vital when dealing with vulnerable service users, and those intend to work with children need to be made aware the statuary legislations that underpin child protection and Human rights.
Avan, B. and Kirkwood, B. Dalrymple, J. and Burke, B. Daniels, H. Doherty, J. and Hughes, M. Goswani, U. McMahon, L. Miller, P. Parrish, M. Sheridan, D, child observation essays.
In this blog one can access articles written by myself which represent my interest and views. I have also included in my blog articles written by others authors. The views and opinions expressed in those articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect my views. Examples of analysis performed within those article are only for information.
Assumptions made within the analysis of these articles, are not reflective of my views. View all posts by Nassir Hassan. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content. Nassir Hassan Social Work June 28, April 11, 11 Minutes. McMahon, During the first 29 minutes of my observations, Sara was not talking at all.
Doherty and Hughes, 5 There are a number of theories associated with child development; behaviourism and nativists are two of them. Word count: Bibliography Avan, child observation essays, B.
Focused Observations Chapter 3 Video 6
, time: 5:31Child Observation, Essay Example | blogger.com
· Child Observation Of A Child. INTRODUCTION The child I observed was born on February 21st, so the baby that I observed is just weeks old. The baby is white and a male. The baby is a friend’s child and I observed him in the living room of their home and in his personal bedroom while he was in his crib. There was two couches in the living room, a television, two end tables, and a big sectional rug which was where the child Observation Of Child Observation. Words | 8 Pages. Introduction Subject “Chris” is a 7 year old middle class Caucasian male. Observation is taking place in the child’s home over the course of two separate afternoons. Chris is a friendly and well spoken child who is small for his age. Chris is the youngest child in his family and both observations take place while his blogger.com ️ Child Observation, Essay Example from students accepted to Harvard, Stanford, and other elite schools. blogger.com ️ Child Observation, Essay Example from students accepted to Harvard, Stanford, and other elite schools. Back to School Offer Get 20% of Your First Order amount back in Reward Credits!
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