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Second language learning and teaching are two of the major areas within Applied Linguistics that we specialize in here at Texas Tech. Our dedicated faculty conduct research on second language teaching and learning in many areas, including vocabulary, pronunciation, grammatical forms, reading, and writing. We do research on effective instruction for second languages, discourse and interaction in the second language classroom, and the processes of second language learning.
Graduate students have opportunities to join with faculty in special research projects during their studies. Our graduates go on to advanced graduate programs in applied linguistics, foreign language, psychology, education, and media communications; and also become language teachers in high schools and colleges; language program directors; and chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume teacher trainers not only in the U. but in many other countries. For information regarding the admissions process to CMLL, please do not hesitate to contact Carla BurrusCMLL Graduate Program Coordinator.
For program information, please contact Dr. Don LavigneCMLL Classics Graduate Advisor. Anita McChesneyCMLL German Graduate Advisor. In conjunction with the state of Texas, the special education program provides for coursework in the certification areas of generic special educationeducation al diagnostician, visual impairment, and deaf education.
Additional national certifications are available in orientation and mobility and applied behavior analysis. Students in the graduate special education program are prepared to work with individuals with disabilities in a variety of settings, including the public schools, higher educationand the private sector.
A post-baccalaureate degree to obtain generic special education certification is also available. To be certified in the state of Texas, chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume, students must pass the TExES examination for their area. Specific areas of chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume within the special education program include autism, applied behavior analysis, generic special educationorientation and mobility, visual impairment, deafblindness, and deaf education.
A minimum of 36 hours is required for the master's degree. Additional chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume are required for certain certificates, including education al diagnostician. Students may select to write a thesis or complete the non-thesis route, chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume. A majority of the courses in the master's program in special education are available online.
Acceptance to the master's program does not guarantee later acceptance to the doctoral program. For additional information, visit www. The Higher Education program is a competency-based program for those who wish to lead, change, and reform higher education settings. It is designed to develop scholarly and theoretical practitioners and researchers who understand the importance of equity and social justice. Graduates of the program are equipped to apply theories and practical research as tools to name, frame, and solve problems of practice, using empirical evidence to evaluate impact and develop innovative solutions for colleges and universities.
The Higher Education program is committed to excellence in preparing and supporting administrative and instructional leaders for higher education, generating and supporting research in the field of higher education, and delivering public service to the practice of higher education.
The program delivers teaching, research, and professional services to students, institutions of higher education, and other academic disciplines. Students working on a master's degree may pursue either non-thesis or thesis options. The master's program requires chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume of 36 semester credit hours.
During their second semester, students must declare a thesis or non-thesis option. Later, if desired, they may switch from the thesis to the non-thesis option or vice versa with the permission of their advisor.
However, thesis credit hours they have earned will not count toward the non-thesis degree. Each option has a set of required core courses that are selected in consultation with the student's advisor. Contact:Joni Sanders joni. sanders ttu. edu The Instructional Technology program was founded to prepare Instructional Technology professionals:. The emphasis is on preparing Instructional Technology professionals for leadership roles as public school and college level educators and for work in training positions in business, industry and government agency.
The Doctor of Education Ed. is a professional degree designed to emphasize preparation for the highest levels of educational practice. This degree requires a minimum of 93 hours including dissertation.
The emphasis is on preparing Instructional Technology professionals for leadership roles as public school and college level educators and for work in training positions in corporate settings. The program includes a solid foundation in research, curriculum, and teaching skills with an emphasis in instructional design, and educational technology.
The goal of the doctoral program in Special Education is to prepare leadership personnel to help shape the future of special education. The program focuses on outcomes that will prepare graduates in the areas of research, teacher education, program development, and evaluation. Graduates are prepared for roles as teachers and researchers in university programs and specialists and consultants in direct-service agencies.
The doctoral program in special education seeks to provide personnel for these roles by preparing reflective, culturally sensitive practitioners and leaders in the profession of education who practice within the Code of Ethics adopted by the Council for Exceptional Children. The PhD requires completion of 90 credit hours, and students may transfer up to 30 credit hours from previously completed master's programs. Although this program is online, some courses may be offered face-to-face on the TTU campus.
Additionally, student RA positions are available for full-time, residential PhD students. You may also email specialeducationinquiries, chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume. educ ttu. edu for program information. The graduate degree program in anthropology is designed to provide broad training for students who wish to enter a Ph.
program, prepare for undergraduate or community college teaching, or pursue a non-teaching career for which M. The program emphasizes training in basic theory and methods. We follow a three-field approach to anthropology at the graduate level, meaning all students take a "core" class in each subfield ethnology, physical anthropology, and archaeologybut can then specialize in their area of interest by taking elective courses and conducting thesis research. Decisions on the program of study, specific courses, and thesis topics are made through consultation with the graduate advisor and other faculty members as appropriate on the basis of the student's background, interests, and objectives.
The anthropology curriculum requires 9 hours of core courses in the following three subfields: archaeology, physical anthropology, and ethnology. Students are required to take ANTH ethnology coreANTH archaeology coreand ANTH physical core. Thirty-six total hours of graduate credit are required, including 21 hours of elective courses. The elective courses may include a 6-hour minor or courses outside of anthropology.
Students, in consultation with the graduate advisor, will also elect the thesis or non-thesis option for 6 hours of graduate credit. A grade of B or better is required to receive graduate credit for a course.
Coursework is planned in consultation with the graduate advisor or thesis director soon after admission to the graduate program. Thesis Option. Students in the anthropology program are strongly encouraged to write a thesis, particularly if they plan to continue their studies in a doctoral program.
Students choosing this option are required to take 30 hours of coursework including 9 core hours and 21 elective hours, which may include 6 hours outside of anthropology plus 6 hours of thesis credit. The thesis is based on original research done in consultation with the thesis advisor, chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume.
Students must submit a thesis prospectus prior to initiating their research and must defend the completed thesis to the department before the thesis may be submitted to the Graduate School. Non-Thesis Option. Students choosing the non-thesis option are required to take 36 hours of coursework including 9 core hours and 27 elective hours, chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume, which may include 6 hours outside of anthropology.
In addition to the coursework requirement, students must choose a three-person committee two of these faculty chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume be in the anthropology program to administer a three-day exit examination in their final semester. is designed for advanced scholarly practitioners who wish to achieve a superior level of competency in their professional field with emphasis on practice and leadership.
Under the direction of their advisor, students may select a focus in community college administration or general higher education administration. The Doctor of Philosophy Ph. is designed for advanced theoretical practitioners and researchers who want to acquire the ability to contribute to the knowledge base of research, education, and leadership through a thorough grounding in the conduct of research.
The Ph. will prepare students for professional careers as institutional researchers and planners; higher education administrators with an orientation towards research, sponsored programs, or grant proposal writing; program assessment-evaluation specialists; research associates; and faculty members. The Ed. in Higher Education Administration requires completion of 96 credit hours beyond the baccalaureate. in Higher Education Research requires 96 credit hours beyond the baccalaureate.
As part of the credit hour requirements, candidates for both the Ed. and the Ph. are required to demonstrate proficiency in independent research in higher education culminating in the completion of a dissertation. Educational Psychology is an academic program in the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership.
The program is designed to assist students in developing a comprehensive knowledge of the cognitive, chair department design drafting experience md objective phd resume, motivational, social, and cultural processes that are related to human development, learning, and instruction.
Additionally, the faculty are committed to assisting students develop the foundational knowledge and skills needed to design and implement theory-driven research studies, apply cutting-edge statistical methods, and evaluate programs that influence educational policy.
Thus, educational psychology attracts students from various educational and professional backgrounds including education, psychology, human sciences, business, sports sciences, and health sciences. Graduates are prepared for careers within higher education, preK education, educational agencies, and educational testing companies. For the Ph. Students are required to complete a minimum of 91 semester credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree for the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
Applicants without a strong background in psychology may be required to complete leveling courses before unconditional admission to the program.
See www. Students are required to complete a minimum of 45 semester credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree for the Masters of Education degree. The PhD degree program in Educational Leadership Policy prepares graduates to be critically engaged educational policymakers who possess the capacity to collect, analyze and interpret empirical evidence, and use that evidence to create, enact, and evaluate educational policy for equitable leadership.
With an emphasis on interdisciplinary and evidence-based inquiry, the program creates a strong foundation for understanding the importance and the impact of policy in the context of educational systems, stakeholder relations, and social equity.
Establish strong research credentials in our Nutritional Sciences Ph. Nutritional science has emerged as a significant research topic in health sciences, social services, and public policy.
Resume Workshop - Part 1 - Fall 2021
, time: 24:10Pathology Outlines - Fellowships

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