Thursday, October 7, 2021

Affect essay resistance wire

Affect essay resistance wire

affect essay resistance wire

Factors Affecting The Resistance Of A Conducting Wire Depend On Temperature. Physics Coursework- Ohm's Law Aim: To investigate the factors of affecting the resistance of a wire. In this experiment I will be using a metal nichrome wire to show the resistance when the length and width is changed. Variables Variables that I am going to keep the same.5/5(13) These are the variables: 1. Length of wire: This may change the resistance of the wire as the electrons have further to travel so there will be more collisions therefore more resistance. 2. Material of the wire: According to Ohm's Law; the resistance of a metallic conductor is Dec 12,  · The resistance of a wire can be affected by certain factors: Length of wire. Cross sectional area. resistivity (type of metal) Type of wire. Temperature. I chose to investigate how length affects the resistance in a wire/5(1)

How does the length of a wire affect its resistance? - Free Essay Example by Essaylead

Resistance is the measure of how hard it is to get a current through a component in a circuit at a particular potential difference. Varying the resistance in the circuit can control the current through a circuit. The greater the resistance the harder it is for the current to flow and the move energy that is converted to heat and light.

Resistance is measured in Ohms? Electricity is conducted through a wire, which also means in a wire, by free electrons. The amount and number of these free electrons depend entirely on the more material, meaning that the more free electrons there are, the better the conductor. Electrons that are free are given energy as a result of moving and colliding with other nearby free electrons. This also happens across a length of wire, which means therefore, that electricity is conducted. Resistance is the results of energy loss and heat.

This involves the collisions between the free electrons and also the fixed particles of the metal, free electrons and other impurities from affect essay resistance wire metal. These electrons continually collide, and therefore these collisions result in converting some of this energy that the free electrons are carrying into heat. Therefore, the wire becomes hot. This is because as the temperature rises, the particles of the wire move about, therefore the electrons have a higher restriction, resulting in a high resistance.

I will be using copper for this investigation is a good conductor. This is because the higher the width of the wire, the more space that the electrons will have to move about, resulting in no collisions as there will be a lot of free space. A variable resistor or rheostat is used to vary the current in a circuit.

As the sliding contact moves, it varies the length of wire in the circuit. To make this investigation a fair test, and taking all the factors that affect resistance, I will have to keep some factors the same throughout the experiment so that the results will be fair and accurate. This is because the temperature the particles of the wire move about, therefore the electrons have a higher restriction, affect essay resistance wire, resulting in a high resistance.

The only variable within the investigation will be the length of wire used. By changing the variable of the wire, this will enable to see whether resistance is affected, whether it increases or decreases. I predict that when I change the length of wire, the resistance will change. As in the preliminary experiment, different wires have different resistances but also the length of affect essay resistance wire wire will affect its resistance. I think that when there is more length of wire, the resistance will be high in comparison to when there is less wire, the resistance will be much smaller.

This is because the current and electrons will have more wire to pass through so the resistance will affect essay resistance wire high, affect essay resistance wire, whereas when there is less wire, the current can flow through easier, having a lower resistance. I firstly carried out a preliminary experiment, using three different sets of wires, to see whether they have different resistances, but also to familiarise myself with the experiment.

Copper has the highest resistance, affect essay resistance wire that it is harder for the current to pass through, whereas Nickel has the lowest resistance as current passes through easily, affect essay resistance wire. The reason I chose to use copper in the real investigation, is because copper is a good conductor, so I will be able to monitor the resistance.

This is because it will give a direct current. A power pack was not also used as the high voltage heated up the wire and therefore was very dangerous, affect essay resistance wire batteries were a safer option. Below are the results of how wire affects the resistance. Three different sets of results were collected, than an average result was calculated for the resistance.

The resistance in each table was multiplied by so as the results will be easier to calculate a trend in a line graph. From looking at the results, there were a few anomalies. For example, in table 1 for the first current in cm, it was 1. From these results I will now create a line graph from the average resistance. From analysing my graph, affect essay resistance wire, I can clearly see as the dependent variable increases the independent variable also increases. This shows a strong positive correlation, affect essay resistance wire, as the trend line is positive.

As the length of wire increases, the resistance also increases. This shows that the more wire there is, the higher the resistance. This is because the longer the wire, the more times the free electrons will collide with other free electrons, the particles making up the metal, and any impurities in the metal.

Therefore, more energy is going to be lost in these collisions as heat. Whereas when there is less wire, there are fewer electrons to collide with each other, or particles of the copper or any impurities in the copper.

Therefore the resistance is low when there is less wire. The line graph shows the line of best fit of a strong trend of a straight line so the length of the wire is shown to be directly proportional to the resistance — double the affect essay resistance wire and the resistance doubles. From my prediction, my graph and tables support my prediction. As I predicted that as the length of wire increases, the resistance will also increase.

This is because the current will have more wire to pass through so the resistance will be high, affect essay resistance wire, whereas when there is less wire, the current can flow through easier, having a lower resistance.

My line graph shows my prediction was correct as the independent variable increases, which is the length of wire; the dependent variable also increases as the resistance increases.

There maybe a few anomalies, but most points go through the line of best fit, with the other points close to it. From evaluating my evidence, I have come to a conclusion that the length of wire does affect the resistance. This is shown by my tables as the length of wire increases, the resistance also increases. My graph also supports this, as it is a strong positive correlation as one variable increases, the other variable also increases. I tried to make my results as accurate as possible by firstly, making sure that it was a fair test as stated earlier in the coursework.

Everything was adhered to so as the affect essay resistance wire could be accurate and concise. The temperature was kept the same, the width of the wire was kept the same and also the type of wire was kept the same. However, I feel I could have made affect essay resistance wire results more accurate and reliable to support my prediction and aim. Because I may have a made a few mistakes such as the way the crocodile clips were moved, could have hindered my results, which were the movement of the clips.

The voltmeter and ammeter sometimes did not work properly so I had to change them and get a new one, which could have affected my results. However, as I carried out this experiment on different days, the room temperature may have been different, which may have also affected my results and also hindered my experiment, as there was an anomaly in test 1.

I had difficulties in taking some results as power packs made the wire dangerous, so as then the results could not be accurate enough as the temperature of the wire may affect the resistance. To improve this investigation, I could have used a variable resistor or rheostat, which is used to vary the current in a circuit. To make my results more accurate and to also improve this investigation, I could have used a more accurate digital ammeter and voltmeter, so as the results will be exact and will help me to get a more accurate result.

I could have also used a well calibrated ruler, so as I could have measured the exact length I wanted, as I may have made errors with this.

To make and investigate the resistance further, I should have used different wires and tested them fully. Whereas in the preliminary Affect essay resistance wire took only one reading of three different wires, as do that I could familiarise myself with the investigation, affect essay resistance wire.

I could have also changed such aspects as mentioned in the fair test section, such as changing the temperature to find out also if temperature in any way affects the resistance. I could have also changed and varied the width of the wire, as I have already found out that length of wire does affect resistance and whether the width also affects it.

I could have also tested out different wire such as nickel chrome, Constantine as in the preliminary results to find out different resistances of different wires. I could have also, affect essay resistance wire, to make the investigation more accurate by measuring the temperature of the wire to find out whether different lengths of wires have different temperatures so as affect essay resistance wire may affect the resistance, affect essay resistance wire.

Overall, I feel the investigation was a success, and I believe I have achieved my aim of finding out how the length of wire affects the resistance. This is, as the length of wires increases, so does the resistance also increases, due to more electrons colliding affect essay resistance wire each other.

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GCSE Science Revision - Factors affecting Resistance

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Essay on Resistance of a Wire - Words | Bartleby

affect essay resistance wire

These are the variables: 1. Length of wire: This may change the resistance of the wire as the electrons have further to travel so there will be more collisions therefore more resistance. 2. Material of the wire: According to Ohm's Law; the resistance of a metallic conductor is The things that affect the resistance in a wire are: • the length of the wire • a certain amount of wire • cross sectional area of the wire (thickness) • temperature • material What things can affect the resistance in a wire? The temperature can affect the resistance in a wire, because the more thermal Mar 23,  · Factors Affecting The Resistance Of Wire Aim: To investigate the factors that affect the resistance in a conductor. The main factors that affect the resistance in a conductor are: · Length · Temperature · Cross sectional area · Material · Magnetism The factor that we are going to change is the cross sectional area

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